Go to KM Summary
ID Title Last Updated Sort descending KM Node Tags
5552 Relationship Building 22/07/2023
5553 Team Building 22/07/2023
5554 Leadership 22/07/2023
5555 VUCA environment 22/07/2023
5557 Perception- Concept 22/07/2023
5559 Patient perception and Patient Satisfaction 22/07/2023
5481 Expected outcome of Community Engagement in NTEP 23/07/2023
953 State TB Forum 23/07/2023
5497 Functions of State TB Forum 23/07/2023
573 TB Champion 23/07/2023
4519 Ni-kshay Mitras and their roles 23/07/2023
864 Partnership Options for Private sector Engagement 23/07/2023
5601 Mutual Expectations of NTEP and Private Providers 23/07/2023
5026 Multisector engagement- Overview 23/07/2023
5603 Processes to be followed by the States for Ministries/Departments engagement 23/07/2023
5604 Processes to be followed by the States for Corporates engagement 23/07/2023
5599 Role of a TB Champion 23/07/2023
5629 Role of a PPM coordinator 23/07/2023
1585 Standards of TB Care in India related to Diagnosis of TB 23/07/2023
1779 Inventory Management of CBNAAT Cartridges and Truenat Chips 24/07/2023 Laboratory
1322 Cleaning and Maintenance of the Biosafety cabinet [BSC] 24/07/2023 Laboratory services and management
5472 Community level engagement/interventions 24/07/2023 Community engagement
1335 General Cleaning and TB Lab Surface Decontamination 25/07/2023 Laboratory services and management
1781 Implementation Considerations for Shifting Between Shorter and Longer MDR-TB Regimens 25/07/2023 Drug resistant TB management
5473 Infrastructural Support to NTEP 25/07/2023 Corporate sector engagement & TB
5558 Patient needs 25/07/2023 PMTB MBA
3895 Susceptibility of MTB to p-Nitrobenzoic acid (PNB) 25/07/2023 Laboratory services and management
4958 Teleconsultation for treatment support 25/07/2023 Health and wellness centres, call centre management
812 99 DOTS- counsel patients for 99 DOTS 25/07/2023 Digital interventions and DBT
5180 Abdominal TB 25/07/2023 EPTB management