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The patient is overweight/obese and thus require additional care


Evaluate the patient for diabetes. Advise an appropriate balanced diet and lifestyle modifications if diabetic


  • Adequate and balanced
    Cereals and Pulses
    Oils and Nuts
    Fruits and Vegetables
    Eggs, Flesh Foods
  • Patients should be advised to restrict their intake of calories and fat and increase activity levels as permissible to bring the BMI to below 25kg/m2 eventually
  • Frequent feeds initially when appetite is likely to be poor
  • Later, when normal appetite returns, advise 3 meals and at least 2 snacks



  • Costlier foods and nutritional supplements are not necessarily better than locally available foods
  • A multivitamin pill is adequate to meet micronutrient requirements if intake is very poor


Healthy lifestyle

  • Advice patient to be active as possible. It improves appetite and muscle mass
  • Smoking and alcohol are harmful to TB patients and should be avoided



Weight Gain

  • Weigh every month
  • If follow up BMI is > 25kg/m2 advise restriction of calories and increase activity levels
  • If patients lose weight after returning from work, and BMI falls below 21 kg/m2, advise extra intake of calories and proteins


Drug Toxicity

  • Assess patient for drug toxicity if, after initial improvement, appetite decreases or if there is vomiting

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