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Quality control of MGIT DST inoculum is essential for quality DST results. The different aspects of inoculum preparation include:

1. Using the right inoculum​​
2. Using pure cultures only​
3. Using fresh cultures​
4. Using slant < 14 days

Quality aspects for Positive MGIT tube ​include:
1. Time period should be plus 1 day to 5 days from the date of positivity​
2. Homogeneous inoculum​
3. Using sterile glass beads and vortex to break up organism clumps​
4. Too high or too low an inoculum may give error results or un-interpretable results
5. Preparing dilutions according to the procedure​
6. Using an accurate pipette to add inoculum to tubes​


GLI Practical Guide to TB Laboratory Strengthening






Answer 1​



Answer 2



Answer 3



Answer 4



Correct answer​



Correct explanation​



Page id​



Part of Pre-test​



Part of Post-test​



Quality control of MGIT DST inoculum includes which of the following?



High inoculum



Time period to be plus 1 day to 5 days from the date of positivity​



Non-homogenous suspension



21-day-old culture






The time period should be plus 1 day to 5 days from the date of positivity.​











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