Go to KM Summary
ID Title Last Updated Sort descending KM Node Tags
236 Roles of various stakeholders in IPC 17/06/2022
261 HIV in TB Patients 17/06/2022
263 Pregnancy and Lactation in TB Patients 17/06/2022
270 Stigma and Discrimination towards TB Patient 17/06/2022
271 Effects of Stigma on TB Patients 17/06/2022
1762 Steps to Ensure a Good Quality Sputum Sample 17/06/2022
1764 SOP for Packaging Specimens during the Transportation of Biological Specimens for TB Diagnosis 17/06/2022
52 Passive Case Finding 17/06/2022
88 Stop TB Strategy 17/06/2022
89 End TB strategy 17/06/2022
107 Peripheral Health Institutions [PHI] and Health Facilities 17/06/2022
2039 Use of M/XDR-TB Regimen in Pre-existing liver disease 17/06/2022
147 Duties and responsibilities of the LT at the DMC 17/06/2022
159 Spot and early morning sputum sample 17/06/2022
160 Educating patient on Sputum collection and dispensing Sputum cup 17/06/2022
1953 N95 Respirators for TB Lab Personnel 17/06/2022
163 Storing a sputum sample 17/06/2022
169 ZN Microscopy: Staining Process 17/06/2022
1951 LPA Troubleshooting for High Background Colour 17/06/2022
181 Storing a Microscope 17/06/2022
1950 LPA Troubleshooting for Uneven Staining 17/06/2022
1949 LPA Troubleshooting for No Signal 17/06/2022
1948 Hybridization Using Twincubator in LPA Lab Settings 17/06/2022
1947 Hybridization Setup in LPA and Genotypic DST 17/06/2022
1946 Overview of Hybridization in Line Probe Assay and Genotypic Drug Sensitivity Testing 17/06/2022
1942 PCR Reagent Preparation Procedure in the LPA Lab 17/06/2022
1940 LPA Laboratory Equipment: Vortex Mixer 17/06/2022
225 Ventilation as an AIC Measure 17/06/2022
234 Preparation of TB Lab Disinfectants 17/06/2022
252 Eligibility for TPT 17/06/2022