Go to KM Summary
ID Title Last Updated Sort descending KM Node Tags
317 Prevalence of TB Disease 19/04/2022
1982 TB deaths 19/04/2022
1993 Senior TB Laboratory Supervisor [STLS] and their role 19/04/2022
41 Human Resources in NTEP 19/04/2022
251 Screening and diagnosis for DRTB 20/04/2022
1995 Need for integration of NTEP with Health System 20/04/2022
712 Monitoring of ACF campaign 20/04/2022
2006 Mapping the population for ACF 21/04/2022
2013 Reporting of ACF campaign 21/04/2022
2012 Field Supervision of ACF campaign 21/04/2022
2010 Microplanning and execution of ACF campaign 21/04/2022
2009 Identifying the resources for ACF campaign 21/04/2022
2023 Treatment Support 21/04/2022
173 Process of Reading a Smear 22/04/2022
176 Reading a Fluorescent Stained slide 22/04/2022
178 Generating the DMC Laboratory Register from Nikshay 22/04/2022
207 GLP at a DMC 22/04/2022
208 Need for Specimen Collection and Transportation [SCT] 22/04/2022
210 Modes of Transportation in SCT 22/04/2022
227 Use of a PPE in a DMC 25/04/2022
483 LPA for DR-TB Diagnosis 26/04/2022
1252 LPA: Principles and Technique 26/04/2022
149 Role of Peripheral Health Care workers around a DMC in TB Care 26/04/2022
151 Role of STS at a DMC 26/04/2022
197 Need for Quality Testing and Control 26/04/2022
284 Need to communicate results to patient 26/04/2022
148 Role of Medical Officer at and around a DMC in TB Diagnosis 27/04/2022
203 Random Blinded ReChecking [RBRC] Concept 27/04/2022
221 Respiratory Hygiene 27/04/2022
2048 LPA Troubleshooting 27/04/2022