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Schemes Beneficiary Benefit Amount
Nikshay Poshan Yojana(NPY)
  • All Notified TB Patients in Nikshay from the point of diagnosis
Rs. 1000 at the time of Notification and Rs 500 per treatment month there after paid in advance as installments.
Tribal Support Scheme Confirmed TB Patients residing in Tribal TU Rs 750(one time) at the time of notification 
Treatment supporter’s Honorarium Treatment supporters of patients who have achieved outcome of treatment success
  • Rs 1,000 in the case of DS TB patients and Rs 5,000 in the case of patients, paid at the time of treatment completion.
Incentive for informants,  Notification and Outcomes

Private Health Facilities: including Practitioner /Clinic etc.(Single), Hospital/Clinic/Nursing Home etc.(Multi), Laboratories and Chemists

Any citizen reporting TB patients to public health facility or a self-reporting by patient may also be incentivized as an informant

  • Rs 500 for Notification or informant
  • Rs. 500 for Outcome declaration to health facilities.

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