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  • Consumption of supplies

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    Different supplies are utilized at different locations- Supplies to patient from PHI, Supplies to ART centre, Supplies to Pvt sector and supplies to Labs, Supplies to N/DDRTBC and medical supplies to Non-TB patents


NTEP provides quality drugs to all the diagnosed TB patients without any interruption. Under NTEP, 1st line drugs are being provided in monthly blister strips of Fixed Dosage Combination (FDC) for Drug Sensitive TB patients according to their weight-bands. For drug resistant TB patients, drugs are provided in monthly boxes depending upon their weight-band and resistance pattern (Mono-resistance, poly-drug resistance, Multi Drug Resistance, Extensive Drug Resistance).

Different Supplies are utilized at different locations.

Supplies to patient from PHI

 Patients to receive drugs for the treatment of drug sensitive TB or drug resistant TB by DOTS Provider or Treatment Supporter as per the regimen prescribed by the doctor. The DOTS Provider or Treatment Supporter shall receive drugs from Peripheral Health Institution (PHI). PHIs shall issue drugs on monthly basis against the unique Notification ID generated by Nikshay through Nikshay Aushadhi.

Supplies to ART Centre

Drugs which are required to be issued to Anti Retroviral Therapy (ART) Centre for the TB-HIV patient under collaboration of TB and National AIDS Control Organization (NACO), will require to be issued through Nikshay Aushadhi in order to capture the stock being consumed by these ART centres. Programme is in integration NACO and in future Nikshay Aushadhi shall have direct request from ART Centre through their system and accordingly, drug shall be released.

 Supplies to Private Sector and Supplies to Lab

Private pharmacies will be involved in dispensation of anti-TB drugs supplied from NTEP to give access to TB patients who seek care in private sector, after consultation with private practitioners. To support the pharmacies for arranging such mechanism for keeping NTEP supplied Fixed Dose Combination (FDC), District TB Officer (DTO) may consider incentives to such pharmacies. NTEP should also arrange for regular uninterrupted drug supply. Monthly PHI report should be used for drug inventory management.

Supplies to Lab 

Cartridges/chips are supplied based on the stock availability, consumption and expected cases load. Recording, reporting and monitoring of cartridges/chips is done through Nikshay-Aushadhi.

Supplies to Nodal/District Drug-Resistant TB Centres (N/DDRTBC)

Drugs are issued to the DDSs/NDRTBC based on requirement. At the same time drugs are received from Government Medical Store Depots (GMSDs) .

The drugs are also issued to patients from DR-TB centres, such as Bedaquline or Delamanid. In Nikshay Aushadhi application, the DRTB stores are mapped onto a PHI login id. A DRTB centre which is associated with a PHI, is added on that PHI login id. The user can select the stores either PHI or DRTB, as per the requirement, to use any process.

Medical supplies to Non-TB patents:

The State Drug Store (SDS) shall supply full courses of TB Preventive Therapy (TPT) per person with a buffer stock of 3 months to all the districts on quarterly basis, districts will supply further with a buffer stock of 2 months to all TUs on monthly basis and TUs will supply further with a buffer stock of 2 months to all Health Facility on a monthly basis.


1. Nikshay Aushadhi User Manual

2. NTEPTrainingModules5to9 Central TB Division, MoHFW, GoI 2020      



Answer 1​

Answer 2​

Answer 3​

Answer 4​

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Correct explanation​

Page id​

Part of Pre-test​

Part of Post-test​

Consumption of supplies available at PHI store

TU store



All of the above

Consumption of supplies available at all levels




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