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Drug request management

Adequacy of drug stocks in stores at all levels is of prime importance to ensure uninterrupted delivery of patient care. For this purpose, the drug stock in the stores needs to be replenished periodically to meet the routine requirements as well as to cater to any unexpected shortage of drugs. The process of raising requests for the supply of drugs in Ni-kshay Aushadhi is known as drug request management.

Two types of drug requests are raised by the stores:

1. Routine quarterly/monthly supplies

 Adequacy of drug stocks with District TB Centres (DTCs) and Peripheral Health Institutions (PHIs) is reviewed on a quarterly/monthly basis by the officer designated for supply chain management at the State TB Officer’s (STO) Office. This is done by comparing drug stocks reported in the DTC’s and Tuberculosis Unit's (TU) quarterly report/requisition, with the stocking norm suggested by Central TB Division (CTD), for the same. Based on this the officer-in-charge will identify the routine quarterly/monthly requirement of the DTCs and raise a request for the same accordingly. These requests are addressed on Ni-kshay Aushadhi through routine quarterly/ monthly requests.


Drug request management window in Ni-kshay Aushadhi


Figure 1: Drug request management window in Ni-kshay Aushadhi; Source: Ni-kshay Aushadhi Portal.


2. Additional drug requests

Due to the shortage of drugs, stores that will not be able to continue treatment of patients without interim replenishment will need additional drugs apart from the routine monthly/quarterly supplies. Requests raised for such additional drugs in Ni-kshay Aushadhi are addressed through the Additional Drug Request (ADR) option of drug request management.

Additional Drug Request (ADR) in Ni-kshay Aushadhi


Figure 2: Additional Drug Request (ADR) in Ni-kshay Aushadhi; Source: Ni-kshay Aushadhi Portal.





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How frequently are routine drug requests raised by stores?



Once in a year

1 & 2


The officer-in-charge will identify the routine quarterly/ monthly requirement of the DTCs and raise a request for the same accordingly.






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