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Field supervision of Active Case Finding (ACF) is needed during both the preparatory phase and the implementation phase. Supervisory teams should be formed at the National, State, District, Block and Peripheral Health Institute (PHI) levels.

Field supervision during the preparatory phase: 

The Field Supervisors should: 

  • Attend District and Block Coordination Committee meetings.
  • Review the micro plan and check whether all components are present. 
    • All geographical areas have been included. 
    • Team composition is appropriate – all house-to-house teams have at least one Accredited Social Health Activist (ASHA) and at least one Non-government Organisation (NGO) worker and at least one National TB Elimination Programme (NTEP) field staff. 
    • Sensitisation training to detect the cases has been planned for all ASHAs and field staff. 
    • Workload of teams in terms of houses to be covered/ day has been rationalised.  
    • Areas requiring special attention have been identified and plans developed.
    • Information, Education and Communication (IEC)/ social mobilisation plans have been developed and documented. 


Field supervision during the implementation phase: 

  • All officers should again visit their allotted districts/ blocks/ urban areas during the implementation phase to assess the quality as well as the completeness of coverage of the area through house-to-house visits. 
  • Field Activity Report will be submitted by each health staff on a daily basis to the Medical Officer of PHI. The Field Activity reports from all health staff will be analysed and appropriate action will be taken by the Medical Officer of PHI and these reports will be combined and a report will be prepared and submitted to Block Medical Officer (BMO) on daily basis. 
  • Ensure a mechanism of daily feedback from the observers to the block and district control rooms to facilitate immediate corrective action at all levels. Tracking the cascade of care is a useful tool for assessing quality. (Cascade of care: Track No. of people targeted, no. of people screened out of targeted, no. of presumptive TB identified out of screened, no. of presumptive TB patients examined out of identified, no. of presumptive TB completely evaluated {like smear-negative patients examined with chest X-ray and Cartridge-based Nucleic Acid Amplification Test (CBNAAT), no. of TB patients diagnosed out of examined, no. of TB patients put on treatment out of those diagnosed.})
  • Qualitative and quantitative assessment of the ACF campaign activity from observers should be utilised for long-term corrective actions like problems faced by ASHAs & Frontline Workers (FLWs) during the campaign, review of micro-plans etc. or immediate corrective actions like repeating the activity in an area where a significant number of uncovered houses are found after completion of the activity. 

The Progress indicators and quality indicators for ACF should be monitored by the supervisory team while on field visit.





Question​ Answer 1​ Answer 2​ Answer 3​ Answer 4​ Correct answer​ Correct explanation​ Page id​ Part of Pre-test​ Part of Post-test​
What should be the minimum limit for the sputum positivity rate in ACF? 2-3% 10% 8% 15% 1 For the quality of samples collected, in health facilities in passive strategy, an average of 15% positivity is found, but in active case finding it would be as low as 5%, but should not be below 2-3% in any case, and can be monitored as a quality indicator for the campaign.   Yes Yes

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